Ministry Background
Christian Professionals Ministry (CPM) is a dynamic marketplace ministry of Bread of Life Church International (BLCI) for the effective interaction, mounding and enabling of professionals within the church to serve God in and outside the church using their respective individual and collective life mandates, callings, gifting, qualifications and passions. CPM was launched in 2014.
Ministry Activities
CPM’s activities are classified into 3 broad categories that feed into one another as follows:
- Professionals’ Mobilisation
- Locating& registering them
- Networking them
- Encourage Christ-Centred Professional Partnerships to be formed among them
- For Ministry to the church and its members
- Professionals’ Grooming
- Settling In– Helping professionals find their feet and lead accountable lives in the church.
- Spiritual Grooming–Helping professionals receive personal or group mentorship lessons for the laying of a sound spiritual foundation and growth in their lives.
- Professional Grooming–Helping professionals align their technical knowledge, skills, attitudes, services and performances to biblical principles while sharpening one another for excellent service delivery at individual and group levels.
- Family Alignment–Helping professionals achieve work-family balance and find time to blend with their spouses, children and extended families and become role models in society.
- Impact Support
- Participation – Support professionals to effectively take part in various church programmes and activities along with others church members.
- Marketplace Ministry – Build capacities of professionals to carry out marketplace evangelism, discipleship, charity and other ministry works using various approaches that accord them unique access and opportunities to reach out to fellow professionals and other marketplace players with great ease and unconditional love for Christ.
- Professional Influence – Empowering professionals to live lives of dominion and power (attaining good success to God’s glory) in communities they live and operate in.
- Legacy or leadership Programme – Helping professionals provide leadership and inspiration to their peers and those coming behind them by taking bold steps to show how problems, conflicts and opportunities are tackled in the best interest of all than self.
Ministry Leadership
The Ministry is led by an Elder working with other Church and marketplace leaders with exceptional testimonies and commitment to kingdom growth. For more details contact CPM on the numbers and email addresses provided or the church administration or Pastor of any branch church of BLCI.