About Our General Overseer

General Overseer's Profile
Bishop Joseph Imakando answered the call of God to minister in 1976. Thereafter, he attended Bible College in Kenya and the United Kingdom.
Bishop Imakando is the General Overseer of Bread of Life Church International providing oversight to all the branch and mission churches as well as the Senior Pastor of the church at the Headquarters in Emmasdale, Lusaka. He is an apostle, teacher, author, conference speaker, broadcaster, bridge builder and advisor whose ministry has taken him to many nations. He previously served as the Chairperson of the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia for 10 years and is currently a member of the African Apostolic Council.
He served as a Baptist Church Pastor for 9 years before resigning to serve the wider body of Christ as the Executive Director for the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), an umbrella body that unites Pentecostal and Evangelical churches in Zambia. Having served faithfully at EFZ, he answered the call and returned to full time ministry under Bread of Life Church.
In 1990, Bishop Imakando had an encounter with the Holy Spirit that transformed his life; he encountered the person and power of the Holy Spirit as he experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit. As a result of this encounter, there was a tangible change in his life and ministry which was also evidenced in his preaching and ministration of God’s word.
In August 1992, while in Lagos, Nigeria, God gave him a vision that led to the birth of Bread of Life Church International.
Considered a spiritual father to the nation, Bishop Imakando has been called upon by the Government for advice and guidance. In service to the nation, he served as a Commissioner of inquiry. In 2010, Bishop Imakando was elected President of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA), an organization that has 10 Southern African countries affiliated to it. He served as president until 2021.
Bishop Imakando’s unique ministry is characterized by a strong apostolic mantle which has resulted in the raising of several church leaders and pastors as well as the planting of churches across the country and in foreign nations.
His messages are simple, practical and extremely powerful. Consequently, many people have been lifted spiritually and catapulted into their destiny.
Adopting a similar style to his writing, Bishop Imakando has authored five inspiring books. The books have the following titles and can be found at the Church bookstore – Dreaming your Destiny, Prayer our Secret Weapon, The Power of Favour, Key Ingredients to Success and Unlocking Your Productivity.
He is married to Reverend Bernadette Imakando with four adult children.
Plot 26523 corner of Vubu& Lumumba Rds, Emmasdale
P.O. Box 37486, Lusaka, Zambia 10101
Email : church@blci.info
Email : blci@zamnet.zm
Phone : +260 211 244490 / 92